Self Improvement
Buku The Analysis Of E-Book Quality Submitted As A Partial Fulfillment Of Requirements For The Attainment Of A Sarjana Degree In Informatics Engineering Education

Stok Tersedia

Rp 74.000

Nowadays, the development of technology and science encourages people to be able to respond and provide feedback to the developments. It is unethical if human just shut the place and sit on our hands; human must have the ability to respond to the changes. The ability to understand the development of science and technology requires an intermediary medium in the field of education.

Teachers should be able to integrate technology into the learning process at school. Based on the observations at SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu (Grade Ten/ X, competency skills of Computer Network Engineering) the integration of technology in the learning process was not maximum yet. Due to the information age, human are expected to follow the changes for example using an appropriate technology which is up to date. E-book is one thing that becomes an example of technological development. The E-book should be supported with electronic devices such as computers, laptops, PDAs and software that is compatible with the E-book.

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